dental implant
What is a Dental Implant?
Dental Implants are artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone to support the prosthesis. Implants made to replace missing teeth are screws made of titanium that can be used for a lifetime without any problems.
With the surgical intervention to be applied to the jawbone, the procedure is performed by dentists in sterile environments.
According to Bridge Construction of Dental Implants
What are the advantages?
Patients prefer implant or bridge treatment instead of lost teeth. Which treatment method will be applied is decided by the examination of dentists specializing in oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery.
To apply bridge treatment, at least two teeth are cut on each side of the cavity. Then the measurement is taken and the prosthesis made on these cut teeth is adhered. In implant treatment, an implant with an artificial tooth root is added to the jawbone of the tooth-deficient areas with screws created with titanium.
The most important advantage of the implant is that it protects other healthy teeth. Two healthy teeth must be damaged for a missing tooth in the bridge. One of the differences between implant and bridge treatment is the duration of use.
The implant provides lifelong use to the patient. Bridge treatment, on the other hand, has a period of use that varies according to the material it is made of. This period usually varies between 10-15 years.
The implant is much closer to the natural tooth than the bridge in terms of aesthetic appearance. At the same time, with implant treatment, the patient will have better speech, chewing and smiling.
One of the disadvantages of the bridge is that the healthy teeth used as bridge pillars also have the risk of decay over time, and in this case, the decayed tooth must be treated and the bridge treatment must be renewed. In addition, the probability of a bridge to develop gum disease is higher than an implant.
The only advantage of the bridge is its low cost and it can be used as an instant solution. However, it should not be forgotten that implant treatment is safer, more durable and long-lasting.
Another situation where a bridge can be preferred is as follows; If the adjacent tooth is problematic, has fractures or contains large fillings and will be healthier if closed at the same time, a bridge should be considered as the first choice.
It should be noted that there are some situations where implants cannot be applied. Implant treatment cannot be applied to children and individuals whose bone development has not been completed. In addition, implant treatment cannot be applied to people with diabetes, hemophilia or significant immune system disease. Bridge prosthesis method is suitable for these patients.
What are the Benefits of a Dental Implant?
Implant treatment is a more durable and reliable method compared to all other methods. Since the implant treatment, which is applied without touching the other teeth, is applied alone, it does not harm any tooth.
Implants, which are made of the material closest to the natural tooth appearance, do not cause any change or deterioration in the person's mouth and tooth structure. In treatments such as bridges and canals, visual deterioration may occur due to the deterioration of the tooth structure. However, there is no problem such as deterioration in implant treatment.
Since the jaw can perform the chewing function properly with the implant, the person is free to eat what he wants. Consuming hard foods on veneered or filled teeth can make the person nervous.
Because the probability of fracture and re-treatment is very high. People often prefer implant treatment to have aesthetically beautiful teeth and appearance. The duration of use is quite long compared to various other treatment methods. Implants made of the right material and applied correctly can be used for a lifetime.
Oral care must be done after implant treatment. The patient should add the oral care recommendations created by the physician to his daily routine. After the treatment, the person is given an appearance that he will not have to restrict his behaviors such as talking and laughing.
What Should Be Considered After Dental Implant Application?
After the implant treatment, the patient is discharged on the same day. The prescription given by the dentist should be used in full by the patient.
During the healing process of the implant procedure, the patient should attach great importance to oral care. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided until the healing process is over. Otherwise, the implants will not fuse with the bone and this may cause various infections.
How Long Does a Dental Implant Last?
It is possible to produce solutions that are closest to reality with developing technology and developing health in partial or complete tooth loss.
Implant treatment begins with the placement of an artificial prosthesis in the jawbone. Then, dental implant treatment, which is almost indistinguishable from the real tooth, is applied to the area that fuses with the jawbone and completely ossifies. In this application, the placement time of the bone varies according to the patient's mouth width or its suitability in the mouth.
The average duration of implant treatment varies between 10 minutes and half an hour. For patients with a narrow jaw structure for implant application, this process may take several hours.
The ossification and fusion process of the applied artificial base, the placement of the teeth, and the treatment for a problem-free jaw and tooth use process take place in a time period ranging from about 3 months to 8 months.
Can a Dental Implant Be Applied to Every Patient?
The implants used in the treatment are screws with fixed width and height. For this reason, in order for implant treatment to be applied, the discs must be suitable for the placement of the jawbone structure. The bone cells in the patient's jaw must have the width, capacity and height to carry the implants. If there is a certain way to implant the bone structure, the treatment is more successful.
However, the insufficiency of the bones in the jaw is made with auxiliary techniques such as augmentation (bone addition) and soft transition; surgeries can be made suitable for mouth implant treatment. Apart from this, those who want to have implants can be applied to any age group after adolescence, provided that they do not have problems in terms of oral and dental health.
Patients eligible for implant treatment are as follows:
Soft and hard tissues in sufficient quantity and quality in the mouth,
In order for the implant to be made, the bone structure must have a certain width and height.
Consuming part of the bone, such as with hemophilia,
Implant treatment can be applied if diabetes (diabetes) diseases are under control.
Is an Implant Necessary for Every Lost Tooth?
Implant treatment can be applied to all oral cavities with sufficient jaw bone thickness and length. In order for screwed tooth roots to be placed, the implant must contain the volume it occupies and must be thick enough to enclose the screwed tooth.
In single tooth deficiencies, neighboring teeth may move towards empty spaces over the years and there may be no space in this area where implant treatment will be applied. In such cases, it is not possible to perform implant treatment without bringing the teeth back to their former places with orthodontic treatment. Patients who want to have implant treatment in an area with a single tooth cavity should start implant treatment as soon as possible.
In cases where there are two or three missing teeth in a row and the adjacent teeth cover this empty section, one or two implants can be placed in the area in question and the other sections are closed and prosthesis can be made. In this case, it is extremely important to plan implants and prostheses with an aesthetic appearance.
In cases where bone quality and sufficiency cannot be increased, implant application cannot be performed. Since bone resorption is very advanced in these patients, the patient may not be suitable for implant treatment despite the necessary surgical operations. However, in multiple edentulism, implant treatment can be applied by planning in areas where bone quality and sufficiency are more appropriate.
Implants are not required for every missing tooth. It is possible to make an interdental bridge in areas with more than one tooth loss.
Is It Possible for the Body to Not Accept the Dental Implant?
Titanium, the raw material of the implant, is the most suitable material for human tooth structure. The body accepts titanium in a very short time and as a result, the healing process begins. The implant is not accepted by the body.
However, factors such as not paying attention to oral hygiene during the recovery period, excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption, possible infections; They can prevent the implant from combining with the bone. As a result, the dental implant may be lost.
When the implant is applied, the healing process can be overcome comfortably and smoothly by strictly following the doctor's recommendations. After healing, the implants can be used for a lifetime thanks to regular doctor checks and a good routine oral care.
What is done in the first dental implant examination?
Before starting the treatment, the patient should be examined by a physician specialized in oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery. The first examination by the dentist consists of diagnosis and treatment planning.
Afterwards, the patient is made suitable for oral treatment. The clinical examination determines what kind of treatment the patient needs. In the first examination after the treatment, the type of implant desired by the patient and how the prosthesis will look are determined.
How Does the Dental Implant Treatment Process Proceed?
The implant treatment process varies from patient to patient. In multiple tooth loss, the prosthesis phase is started on the same day as the quadruple implant treatment. In some patients, fusion time should be expected due to additional surgical procedures.
Porcelain veneers are made on the dental implant, which fuses for an average of 3 months in the upper jaw and an average of 2 months in the lower jaw. If the jaws are not thick enough or low enough, the waiting period can be extended up to 6 months.
How Is Nutrition After Dental Implant?
There are important points that the patient should pay attention to before and after the implant treatment. After the treatment, the patient should pay attention to his nutrition.
Some eating habits to watch out for are:
Very cold or very hot food and drink should not be consumed after the implant.
No food or liquid should be consumed for at least 2 hours after the implant procedure.
Solid foods should be avoided, especially for the first 24 hours. The patient should consume soft foods but avoid consuming hot foods.
How Is Oral Care Performed After Dental Implants?
After the implant treatment, the healing process that the patient should pay attention to will begin. Until the patient is completely healed, movements that will create pressure in the mouth should be avoided. The mouth should not be rinsed on the day of implant treatment. Gargle should not be done.
In the first days of treatment, the patient should use gentle and slow brushing and flossing. During this period, the saliva accumulated in the mouth should be thrown out.
However, snoring or blowing that will create pressure in the mouth should be avoided. For this reason, it is also possible to clean the implant areas with the help of moistened cotton cloth or gauze.